According to a recent poll, more than a third of Brits do – and even more are open to the idea that they might be receiving guidance and protection from other-worldly sources. Personally, I’m all for a bit of divine support – especially now. I think the world can only benefit from some extra love and light at the moment. The idea of loved ones who have already moved on, or special angels watching over each and every one of us, can be incredibly comforting. So, how can you tell when your guardian angel might be nearby, or working to help you? According to ‘those in the know’, the many hundreds of thousands of angelic stories out there (and the extensive research of this author!), here are a few of the more common signs. 1 – Dreaming of Angels. A lot of spiritualists and believers will tell you that angels will visit in your dreams – when your mind is calm and not distracted by the general busyness and stress of everyday life. They might be coming to bring a message, answer a question, offer comfort, or just to reassure you that they are nearby. 2 – Orbs. Often seen in photos, or out of the corner of your eye – glowing, coloured orbs or bubbles of light are often thought to be signs that a spirit, or angel, is nearby. 3 – Chills, Warmth and Tingles: Whether it’s a flash of cold, invisible blanket of warmth or tingle to your third eye (the middle of your forehead), many people become physically aware of energy around them. Maybe an angel’s way of giving you a hug? 4 – Very Young Children or Animals Reacting to Something You Can’t See: Maybe it’s because they’re innocent, or they have less worries and can be more open, but it often seems that babies and animals react (or even play and chat with) things we can’t see, and angelic visitors. 5 – White Feathers: Usually turning up when you’re feeling at your most vulnerable, and most need to know there is extra love, support and protection around you. This is considered one of the most common signs of angelic visitors, and one of the inspirations for Beyond Grey.